Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The beach storm....and crashing P-dots blog!

The storm was intense, so intense they named it Storm Judith!


Christine said...

If you don't think this is funny then you need to view it with me at 1:43 AM in the morning and then you will know what I am talking about! I have noticed that every thing seems funnier when you are dead to the world tired up by yourself and finally figured out that you have access to someone else’s blogs!

P-Dot said...

It was called an invitation, (like please come to the party) and I wondered why you never posted as you always have good stuff to say. You may be younger than the main BH crowd but we are all in the aging process and we were once where you are now.

Christine said...

I have a hard enough time keeping up on my own! Those sites you sent me were awesome! wow I am hungry now!

P-Dot said...

Of course they called it Judith. Have you ever seen her mad?

Anonymous said...

This is storm Judith and I just want you to know I saw this! I see and hear everything! I feel another storm brewing!

P-Dot said...

Hey Stormy!!! that's funny!!

Christine said...

She really gets her funnyness from her daughter...don't you think?