All you ever wanted to know about the things that go on in the minds of those whom are old enough to qualify for Senior Housing and are brave enough to ask "Is there a Senior Discount?"
The phone rang around 11:00 and it was Dianna, my daughter-in-law, and she was on her way to Santa Rosa with her mother, Irene, and her oldest son, Tobin. They wanted to know if I would like to join them on a little trip to Healdsburg to pick up some wine for a friend of theirs. Armida is snuggled away at the edge of Healdsburg and some of the initial directions even confused Irene's GPS system. We drove up and up a winding road to the top of a hill and there it was. Beautiful!!! I took this picture from the deck where we sat and ate the lunch that Dianna had packed and surprised us with..........
It is a given with this family, outing = camera........
See what I mean........
Amazing how green and beautiful it is since this is such a warm climate....
As Dianna stalks another victim to shoot.....with the camera....
Checking out the pictures taken.......see, it's all about the pictures!!!!
Ahhhhh......our ride is here and it's time to go. What a lovely little surprise for me.
NO ! ! !......not our ride, but that's how they do it around here. You join a Wine Country Tour and go from winery to winery in style, letting someone else drive.
Were you a kid in the Fifties or earlier? Everybody makes fun of our childhood! Comedians joke. Grandkids snicker. Twenty-somethings shudder and say "Eeeew!" But was our childhood really all that bad?
Judge for yourself:
In 1953:
The US population was less than 150 million ... Yet you knew more people then, and knew them better ...And that was good.
The average annual salary was under $3,000 ... Yet our parents could put some of it away for a rainy day and still live a decent life ...And that was good.
A loaf of bread cost about 15 cents ... But it was safe for a five-year-old to skate to the store and buy one ...And that was good.
Prime-time meant I Love Lucy, Ozzie and Harriett, and Lassie ... So nobody'd ever heard of ratings or filters ... And that was good.
We didn't have air-conditioning ... So the windows stayed up and half a dozen mothers ran outside when you fell off your bike ...And that was good.
Your teacher was either Miss Matthews or Mrs. Logan or Mr. Adkins...But not Ms Becky or Mr. Dan ... And that was good.
The only hazardous material you knew about ... Was a patch of grassburrs around the light pole at the corner ... And that was good.
Most families needed only one job ... Meaning Mom was home when school let out ...And that was good.
You loved to climb into a fresh bed ... Because sheets were dried on the clothesline ...And that was good.
People generally lived in the same hometown with their relatives ...So "child care" meant grandparents or aunts and uncles ...And that was good.
TV was in black-and-white, if you had TV at all ... But all outdoors was in glorious color... And that was certainly good.
Your Dad knew how to adjust everybody's carburetor ... And the Dad next door knew how to adjust all the TV knobs ... And that was very good.
Your grandma grew snap beans in the back yard ... And chickens behind the garage ... And that was definitely good.
And just when you were about to do something really bad ... Chances were you'd run into your Dad's high school coach ... Or the nosy old lady from up the street ... Or your little sister's piano teacher ...Or somebody from church ... ALL of whom knew your parents' phone number...and YOUR first name....and even that was good.
What could have possibly been behind that fence that could have sent all those mature women, scrambling, climbing, lifting someone up, risking injury, possibly breaking the law.....................
Here it is.........a house!!! Was it a celebrities house? No.....just a house. Albeit a nice's just a house. Girls, we need to get a life again.
Isn't this a beautiful scene! How picturesque! It was taken by a friend who has joined up with the notorious "Biddys" of Washington State. She is not old enough to be a true biddy but she is a "Biddy Buddy" and we all love her. She takes beautiful pictures........the scene is the Pacific Ocean in all it's glory. The occasion, a week long outing with some of the Biddy's and some "Biddy Buddys".
Isn't this a lovely picture of a group of mature women, walking the beach, enjoying the camaraderie, the smells, the sand, the sun, the spiritual friendships, God's glory..........
"Oh Look! What have we here? Is that property that adjoins the beach? Let's go up and see who lives there.....come on you guys, up here.......follow us." "Wow, this place is awesome! Look at the beautiful house and look at the beautiful landscaping. I know we can't get in but let's just peek through the knot holes and cracks in the fence." Farkle Face says, "You guys, I really want to see in there, isn't there some way to get in or at least get a better look?" Someone else replies, "No, we are too old and mature to break into someone's yard.......aren't we?" Well, guess not because obviously this Senior Citizen, with a little from her friends, scaled a wall, and.......
reached inside and unlocked the gate....... Don't believe me......see below!!! And the really funny thing is the fact that these women are all in their late 60's and have been pulling these sort of shenanigans for most of their lives and now we have the pictures to prove it. Thanks Cbev for providing me with so much laughter.....I truly felt like I was there.
Many have asked me if that is the name of the building where I live and I feel I must explain, because it's not. It's just my tongue in cheek, smarty pants way of saying I'm getting old. In the small town where I lived a good share of my younger years there was an old folks home and it's name was Bethany Home. We used to use that name as a destination for anyone that acted in a way that we thought old people acted. Once I parked near there to go to the grocery store. One friend in the back seat asked, "did my husband put my suitcase in the trunk when you picked me up?" and she pointed at Bethany Home rising up behind us and we all laughed. There were these friends of ours, a nice couple, who were a little older than us. Often when we were all together she would get mesmerized by the conversations and the goofing around. She would let her cigarette go, just burning between her fingers, and just as the ash was about to fall on her lap, her husband would jump up with an ashtray in his hand, hold it under her cigarette, tap her arm and say in a disgusted voice, "Mary, next week, Bethany Home." I would imagine that her behavior was what he thought old people did. No disrespect was ever meant to Bethany Home's inhabitants. It was just an expression. Hence, the name for this blog. I am old enough to now live in Bethany Home.
One morning recently, I was sitting in bed using my laptop, looking at some videos on You Tube and I was listening to Bon Jovi doing "We Got It Going On" and the first line is "Is there anybody out there wanting to party?"......I swear to you my hands were up in the air and I had my mouth screwed up in that partying, let's dance kind of I was a kid again. I caught myself and put my hands down like my Grandkids had just walked in. Do we ever grow up?
How did I get to be a person old enough to live in Senior Housing? Was I asleep and my sixties just crept up on me?
Am I the only one that is shocked to wake up and be old? I need some input and you all need to let me know how you feel......please!!!!
JESUS LOVES ME {Senior Rendition} just like we sang in Sunday School
Jesus loves me, this I know, Though my hair is white as snow Though my sight is growing dim, Still He bids me trust in Him. (CHORUS) YES, JESUS LOVES ME.. YES, JESUS LOVES ME.. YES, JESUS LOVES ME, THE BIBLE TELLS ME SO.
Though my steps are oh, so slow, With my hand in His I'll go On through life, let come what may, He'll be there to lead the way. (CHORUS)
When the nights are dark and long, In my heart He puts a song.. Telling me in words so clear, "Have no fear, for I am near." (CHORUS)
When my work on earth is done, And life's victories have been won. He will take me home above, Then I'll understand His love (CHORUS)
I love Jesus, does He know? Have I ever told Him so? Jesus loves to hear me say, That I love Him every day. (CHORUS)